What are the Different Types of Patents and Examples of Inventions Protected by Them?

Patents are a form of intellectual property that protect inventions from being copied or used without permission. Examples of manufactured items protected by design patents are a design for the sole of running shoes, a design for sterling silver tableware, and a design for a water fountain. Utility patents and design patents have strict requirements for granting. Did you know that the first registered patent was granted in the 15th century? It was for the Italian architect and designer Filippo Brunelleschi in 1421, for a ship carrying marble along the Arno River.

Bluetooth technology is another example of an invention that has been patented. Invented in 1994 by Jaap Haartsen, Bluetooth allows nearby electronic devices to be connected using low-power, ultra-high frequency waves. Nowadays, Bluetooth is used in almost all portable devices for transferring and receiving multimedia. Ylva Dahlén is a physical therapist who invented Hoppolek to give children with severe functional disabilities the ability to move around happily.

Examples of patents are important to help applicants understand which inventions have already obtained a patent and what material needs to be included in a patent application to improve the chances of approval. It is important to note that each patent application will be unique and simply studying these examples will not guarantee success. There are many different types of patents; therefore, there are many different types of patent examples. Some examples of inventions protected by useful patents are computer programs, investment strategies, medical equipment, tools, chemical compositions, genetically modified forms of life and improvements.

Viewing and studying patent examples can help inventors get an idea of what to include in their patent application. A patent example is useful for someone who is applying for a patent and wants to know what information needs to be included in their patent application.

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